Frequently Asked Questions
Zellor is a tool that allows e-commerce site owners, brands and distributors to embed video carousels in their online stores. Relevant video on online stores is proven to increase conversion rate.

Carousels are collections of short videos that can be displayed in an online store. They allow the end user to view the videos either within the carousel frame or in full-screen mode. Some carousels have “Product Tags” on them showing a thumbnail of a relevant product and its price. When a user clicks on a Product Tag, they are taken to the product page of your online store.
Open your web browser and navigate to Click on “ Sign Up - Free”, enter your details and create your account. You will be sent an email to complete your registration.
You can upload videos by either of two methods:
  • Upload from local drive

    • Sign in the portal, Click on 'Videos', then choose, 'Upload Video'.
    • Enter the name of the video and optionally, a description.
    • Drag a video file from your filesystem onto the space provided.
    • The portal will automatically choose a thumbnail from the video. You can change the thumbnail by using the slider to select the frame you want to use as a thumbnail.
    • Click on Upload, and when the video is finished uploading, click Save.
    • You will see the new video in your video library.
  • Upload from Social Media (coming soon)

    • This feature will be available shortly.
    • Click on the 'Import from Social' tab.
    • Enter in the URLs of the TikTok or Instagram videos you want to import (you can enter as many as you like).
    • When you have entered all the URLs, click on 'Import'.
    • The videos will be imported in the background and when processing is complete, you will receive an email.
    • The imported videos are now available in your video library.
To see how this is done, please visit our tutorials page.
  • Go to the portal and log in.
  • Click on 'Carousels'.
  • Click on 'Add Carousel'.
  • Give your carousel a name and click on 'Create'.
  • You will see an empty carousel; to add videos to the carousel, click on 'Add video', You will see a list of the videos in your video library - you can use the search field to find the video you want to add.
  • Click on the blue + to the right of the video you want to add to your carousel. The video will be added.
  • Repeat this process until you have all the videos you want displayed in your carousel.
  • The screen will show a preview of what the carousel will look like in your store.
  • You can re-order the videos in the carousels by dragging and dropping using the handle to the left of each video in the list.
  • Your carousel is now ready to be shown in your online store.
To see how this is done, please visit our tutorials page.
There are two ways to add a carousel into your store.
  • Embed code

    • Log in to the portal (go to and log in), click on 'Carousels'.
    • Click on 'Carousels' in the portal.
    • In the 'More' menu (three vertical dots) to the right of each carousel in the list, you'll find an option to 'Copy Embed Code'.
    • Click on this option. The portal will copy the embed code to your computer's clipboard.
    • Edit your online store source and paste the embed code where you want the carousel to appear.
    • Save the source and navigate to the edited page in your online store.
    • The carousel will appear.

  • Carousel ID

    • To see how this is done, please visit our tutorials page.
    • If you are a Shopify User, you can use this option. It is explained in detail in the section titled 'How does Zellor work with Shopify'.

There are some controls on the app that allow you to modify how the carousel will be displayed:

  • Number of Videos

    Even though a carousel may contain many videos, you might want to specify how many should be shown in the carousel's viewport. For example, a carousel may have 10 videos but you might not want to take up the space on your page to show all of them at once. Use this control to specify how many videos should be shown initially. The user will still be able to scroll to see the other videos in the carousel.

  • Carousel Size

    The standard size of the carousel is preset. You may want to change this. Use the slider or enter a value to specify the size you want.

  • Show Tags

    If you do not want a carousel to show tags on videos, set this control accordingly.

  • Autoplay Videos

    By default, all videos in a carousel are set to autoplay. You may want only the first, or the first X videos to autoplay. You can control this by specifying a number in this control.

  • When you want to indicate that a video is relevant to a particular product, you 'Tag' the video with that product. This will result in a tag appearing while the video is being played by the end user. If the user clicks on that tag, they will be taken to the relevant product page on your online store. You can tag a video with as many products as you like.

    There are two ways of getting your product data into Zellor:

    • Manual

      • In the Zellor Platform, choose 'Products'.
      • click on 'New Product'.
      • Enter the details of your product and drag and drop an image into the space provided (this is the image that will be used in tags for this product).
      • Make sure you enter the correct URL for your products page in your online store. This is the URL to which a user will be taken when they click on a product tag in a video.
      • Now repeat the process until you have added all of your products.
    • Automatic

      • If your online store is implemented using Shopify, you can automatically import all products from your store to Zellor. This is described in the section titled 'How does Zellor work with Shopify?'.
      To see how this is done, please visit our tutorials page.
  • Go to the Zellor portal and log in.
  • Choose 'Videos' in the Zellor Portal.
  • Select a video by clicking on its title or using the 'Edit Video' option in the 'More' menu to the right of each video.
  • Now click on the 'Products' tab.
  • Start typing the name of a product you want to associate with this video.
  • When you have found the product, click on the blue + to the right of the product name.
  • You can add as many products as you like to the video.
  • To remove a product from the video, click on the X to the right of the product name.

  • To see how this is done, please visit our tutorials page.

    Zellor provides a Shopify app (available from the Shopify App store) that makes the whole process much easier. The app allows you to connect your Zellor account to your Shopify account in order to share product data. It also allows you to track sales in the Zellor Analytics page. Finally, the app provides Zellor Blocks and sections to make it easy to embed Standard and Product specific carousels in your Shopify online store.

  • Connecting Accounts

    When you have downloaded the app, if you have not already signed up to Zellor, then you will be invited to do so.
    Enter your credentials in the fields provided and click on 'Connect'.
    There will be a short delay while the accounts are connected and your products are imported into Zellor.
    To check that this process has completed correctly, go to the Zellor Portal and click on 'Products' - you should see a list of your products.

  • Standard Carousels

    To create a standard carousel in your online store, edit your theme. On the page where you want the carousel to appear add a block or section and choose the 'Zellor' app.
    Go to the Zellor Platform and choose 'Carousels'.
    From the 'More' menu to the right of the carousel you want to embed, choose the 'Copy ID' option. This will copy the carousel's id into your computer's clipboard.
    Now go back to the theme editor in Shopify and paste this code into the Carousel ID field of the new Zellor App block.
    The carousel should appear.
    To check this, go to your online store and navigate to the page you have just edited. The carousel should be displayed.

  • Product Carousels

    Product carousels automatically select videos related to a particular product. You use these carousels on a product template. When a product page with such a carousel on it is displayed, the Zellor app will fetch all videos that are tagged with that product and produce a carousel that is displayed on the product page.

    To create a product carousel, use the theme editor and edit a product template page. Add a new Zellor block where you want the product carousel to appear and save the page. There is no need to enter any code.

    To check that the carousel is working, in your online store, navigate to a product page of a product that you have tagged on one or more videos. A carousel should appear containing all videos that have been tagged with the current product.

  • What is Zellor Analytics?

    Zellor Analytics shows performance information for your videos. Go to the Zellor Portal and choose 'Analytics'. You will see a graph showing overall analytics for your videos, some cards showing five specific data points and an itemised list of videos showing the performance for each.
    You can adjust the time period for which you want to see data using the timeframe control, top right.

    Coming soon

    You will be able to see data relating to sales generated by users who have watched videos. You will see 'Add to Cart' and 'Successful Checkout' events.

  • To see how this is done, please visit our tutorials page.